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Summary: Activation of alternative programmed cell death pathways, e.g. ferroptosis and necroptosis, is a promising therapeutic strategy for cancer cells, which evade apoptosis. However, the interplay between distinct programmed cell death pathways and cancer progression is complex and can paradoxically promote the disease. In this publication, K.L. Barker with colleagues has aimed to develop a label-free, live-cell imaging-based assay for classifying forms of programmed cell death with single-cell resolution. By employing HoloMonitor M4 and studying cell morphology parameter changes, authors have developed a method, which with high accuracy could classify cell death pathway in the test set for the melanoma cell line.

Summary: Improving the various properties, such as bio distribution and solubility, are the main driving force for using nano-carries in drug deliveries. In this study, the authors have used monoclonal antibody modified immunoliposomes for targeted delivery of paclitaxel and salinomyc in for cancer therapy. Researchers have shown that a combination of drugs increases the rapeutical efficacy when delivered in immunoliposomes. Holo Monitor M4 was used to study cell killing, cell division and proliferation post-treatment​
Summary: Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are a defense mechanism against pathogens, such as bacteria, they have also been implicated as an important part of a wide range of pathologies, such as protecting tumor cells from T lymphocytes and natural killer cells; involved in acute thrombotic complications in cardiovascular and autoimmune disease, and most recently it was shown that NETs may contribute to organ damage and mortality in COVID-19. Thus, it is important to detect and remove NETs when their pathological role becomes dominant. In this publication, L. P. Mendes with colleagues have developed a method to visualize and detect NET-affected areas using 2C5 antibody modified nanocarriers. Authors have employed HoloMonitor M4 to study HL-60 cell morphology after treatment with differentiation agents.
Summary: Benign melanocytic nevi frequently emerge when an acquired BRAFV600E mutation triggers unchecked proliferation and subsequent arrest in melanocytes. Recent observations have challenged the role of oncogene-induced senescence in melanocytic nevus formation, necessitating investigations into alternative mechanisms for the establishment and maintenance of proliferation arrest in nevi. The authors compared the transcriptomes of melanocytes from healthy human skin, nevi, and melanomas arising from nevi and identified a set of microRNAs as highly expressed nevus-enriched transcripts. Two of these microRNAs—MIR211-5p and MIR328-3p—induced mitotic failure, genome duplication, and proliferation arrest in human melanocytes through convergent targeting of AURKB. Results demonstrate that BRAFV600E induces a similar proliferation arrest in primary human melanocytes that is both reversible and conditional. Specifically, BRAFV600E expression stimulates either arrest or proliferation depending on the differentiation state of the melanocyte. Authors report genome duplication in human melanocytic nevi, reciprocal expression of AURKB and microRNAs in nevi and melanomas, and rescue of arrested human nevus cells with AURKB expression. HoloMonitor M4 is used for cell proliferation studies.​
Summary: Current available cervical cancer treatments are not always sufficient and result in cancer recurrence. In this publication, ÇJ. Yumol and colleagues have studied how the treatment efficacy can be enhanced by combining Alisertib drug with Bcl-2 family anti-apoptotic protein inhibitors. Authors have shown that having this type of combination accelerates cell apoptosis during the mitotic delay. Here, HoloMonitor M4 was used to study cell cycle, e.g. mitosis time and the number of cell divisions, after drug treatment.​
Summary: HoloMonitor M4 was used to study and classify melanocyte cell morphology differences during various cell cycle stages.